martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

Fieltro: Baltos Kandys

El año pasado Andrea Cavagnaro y Soledad Erdocia me mandaron el link de estas artistas de Lituania que trabajan objetos de fieltro para sus acciones performaticas. Son Maravillosas!!! Baltos Kandys, asi es el nombre del grupo, estuvieron en Argentina pero pasaron sin pena ni gloria, desapercibidas, pero vale la pena conocerlas. Estas imagenes pertenecen a la serie de mandalas. Al final copie el texto que acompaña a la serie, pero está en ingles y pido disculpas pero tengo muuucha fiaca de traducirlo, además es muy claro y lindo en inglés.
Reivindico las flores y frutas.


The mandala is one of the most universal models of world arrangement, a principle of the earthly existence. There is a tradition in India, surviving from times immemorial, to draw magic diagrams (mandalas) before the entrance to a house or in places that are considered sacred. Both in tantra and in Buddhism the mandala is used as a meditation object, a ritual of concentration and unification with the divine wisdom. Compositional structure of mandala is not strictly defined, but usually it's a compositional system of repetitive concentric circles and squares; it always represents the bond between the earthly world and the Universe. It's a model of creation of primal existence, it symbolises the link between the time and space, the material and the spirit.
All over the world plenty of mandalas can be found, made in various ways: drawn on silk, carved in wood or metal, cast in bronze or build from stone as temples. Theoretically the symbol itself represents the principle of infinity and constant renewal.
Our visualisation of mandala, created in the context of contemporary art, does not follow canons of any religion, however, it expresses the basic principle of bipolarity of symbols' interaction. This artistic project is every time created live and performed as a ritual before the audience: the artists themselves become a part of their work as they cover themselves and arrange colourful felted objects into a whole that is different every time. After a moment of stillness it dissolves and again blends together and crystallizes into a very clear ornamental composition that complies with the scheme of mandala.
The blending of the individualities of “Baltos kandys” (“White Moths”) group's artists in one mutual work emphasizes the philosophical idea peculiar to the oriental aesthetics, the idea is that everything mixes together and finally follows the same basic principle of the cosmic order. So the creative principles of “Baltos kandys” (“White Moths”) group perfectly resonate the idea of the composition called 'Mandala'. This mandala is not only the map of the Universe, but also a joyful and exuberant expression of the artists' lives and work.
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